About The Collin County  Diversity Council

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.

Margaret Mead

Knowledge is power.  Information is liberating.  Education is the promise of progress in every society.

Although every person is unique, some of us have been mistreated or oppressed, because we are a member of a particular group.  If we ignore these present-day or historical differences, we may fail to understand the needs of those individuals.  Often people are afraid that recognizing differences will divide people.  However, learning about cultural differences can bring people closer together, can reveal important parts of each others lives: and it can show us how much we have in common as human beings. 

Our Story

Collin County Diversity Council (CCDC) was started in 2017 by a group of concerned women from different religions, races, and backgrounds who happened to be friends.  Frustration about inaccurate information that seemed to be pervasive regarding certain faith-based groups,  and deep sadness over the growing hate and violence toward minorities here and around the world, led these women to develop a solution to help build bridges of understanding.

CCDC is that solution!   

We meet monthly to support each other, discuss current events affecting local people, and plan how we can best address them.  We host public events, work with other organizations, read collectively and share our stories in a safe non-judgmental environment.  And so much more… 

  • We believe that embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion through programs and dialogue are ways to create positive interactions, develop authentic relationships, and reduce the fear and anger that lead to hate and violence.
  • We believe that everyone has a story. Sharing those stories, and getting to know people as individuals has the power to overcome bias.

Building Bridges and Bonds




 “ An Inclusive Diverse Community, a Better Nation”


   The Collin County Diversity Council (CCDC) is the first county-wide organization to bring together cross-sector collaborations partnering with multi-cultural communities, local city councils, faith-based groups, and other non-profits in order serve its diverse population..

  Our Diversity Council is committed to fostering a learning environment for organizations and community members to grow in their knowledge and understand of our complex world .  It is composed of volunteers  who facilitate events and programs. This Council meets monthly  to discuss upcoming events, membership, and strategic direction for the organization. We do this by  collaborating with other organizations within the community, hosting, and sponsoring programs and events that celebrate diversity and inclusion. This includes seminars, panel discussions, friendship circles, book discussions, and multicultural festivals. 












Get in Touch


What is your story? What are you doing in your community to build bridges of understanding and hope?  Share your creativity by tagging your photos with #CCDC #CollinCountyDiversityCouncil #DiversityIsOurStrengthCCDC. Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram. 

If you’re interested in participating more, contact us!

PO Box 860-283 Plano 75086

Call Us: +1 903-751-5383